We work exclusively with good coffees, and by good we mean everything that can be contained within this word: good in its taste and good in its ethics. Only for coffees that respect these rules we will the doors of our roastery.

fair trade coffee
The decision to work directly with each individual producer is because we want to be able to relate to each other and have total transparency on all the processing processes and methodologies applied by the farmer. By methodologies we mean the approach to agriculture, respect for the land and for everything that is part of that terroir, including people and work
For us it is important that every coffee is produced with the heart and mind, it is essential that there is passion and love, because in one way or another they end up in coffee, but we also like to work with producers who have using the brain and the knowledge deriving from study and research.
Care for the environment
Producers who work coffee with a particular attention to the planet makes us proud to represent in our market, we do not like working with producers who make excessive use of herbicides and chemicals, we do not work with producers who deforest the surrounding environment to grow coffee, we don't work with irresponsible producers. For us, coffee is more than just a product, we want to be able to defend it together with those who produce it.